Heather grew up in Broken Arrow and the performing arts have been a part of her life since she can remember. Growing up, she was a part of her high school pom team, participated in musicals, show choir, chamber choir, church youth band, and sang with a traveling quartette! Heather then pursued her love for the arts in college and received her BME in vocal music at the University of Central Oklahoma while concurrently taking various dance classes at UCO such as jazz, hip-hop, and ballroom. Currently she is the vocal music director at Centennial Middle School in Broken Arrow. She enjoys being a choral clinician and sings with Vox Solaris, a professional choir, under the direction of Dr. Jeff Wall. She also teaches ballroom dance and is so excited to be a part of the Theatre Arts family!
Heather Corbittheatrearts2023-08-24T15:50:48-05:00